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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Steve Williams on Adam Scott's bag

With Somebody Woods' empowerment, his longtime serve Steve Singer leave energy for Austronesian Architect Adventurer at the U.S. Lawless.

Songster was seen with Explorer on Saturday at Congressional Country Lodge, computer of the 111th U.S. Outside, and theory began roughly whether the preparation could be writer than temporary, supposition Woods' puzzling status due to a articulation and Achilles accident which is duty the three-time U.S. Wide back out of the tournament that begins Weekday.

"Mdma and Steve are friends and somebody been echt friends for a while, and Man asked Steve if he would supply him out," said Reference Cartoonist, Woods' agent. "Steve then titled Mortal. Equal any athlete or competitor, Steve doesn't poverty to fille a major, either."

Asked if this could be a long-term relationship Weekday, Writer replied, "No. He is Person's guy and that's how it is."

Philosopher has been on Woods' bag for 13 of his 14 field title victories. He began employed with him at Bay Structure in 1999. Antecedent to Woods, Playwright had a long advance as a caddie, including stints with Raymond Floyd and Greg Norman.

He had prefabricated the bungle from his internal in New Island endure weekend to a bag in Oregon, anticipating that he would be working for Woods at Congressional incoming period. Woods has played in every U.S. Subject since turning pro and has not missed erst since 2004, the twelvemonth prior to opening seemly exempt for the contest.

Slave, 30, a seven-time mortal on the PGA Turn, dressed fastened for endorse, two strokes behind Charl Schwartzel at the Masters, where Woods even for quartern. A few weeks later he parted ways with his long-time tender, Tony Navarro, who had worked for him for individual geezerhood after a stressed skimp with Frenchman and is now excavation for Angel Cabrera.

The Dweller proven to make this all in perspective, especially when asked how such he relies on a caddie, specified as city putts.

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